Welcome to Zentuary, where conscious healing is the movement towards expansion and self-healing.

Zentuary represents a conscious healing movement, guiding those facing mental, emotional and spiritual challenges through the integration of science, energy healing and personal development.

Its motto lies in the fundamental idea that all the answers lie within each individual, urging them to connect with their own core to achieve healing.

With a diversified approach, Zentuary offers various disciplines, such as hypnotherapy, spinal energetics, breathwork and energy healing, among others. All of these modalities are designed to regulate the nervous system, promoting coherence and unlocking old patterns and limiting beliefs that can affect overall well-being.

Our purpose is to free people from past conditioning, patterns and limiting beliefs, so they can live their truth authentically and maximize their human potential.

The story behind Veruschka

“Zentuary was born out of a personal quest to find healing from chronic panic disorder”.

Zentuary was born out of a personal quest to find healing from chronic panic disorder.  In a world full of doctors quick to medicate and a society that too often stigmatizes emotional and mental health, I found a lack of understanding, compassion and validation for those going through it.  I also found a lack of answers. I felt trapped in a body full of fear and frustration for not finding the help and support I needed.  

Well into a 20 year pilgrimage of personal exploration, I dove into personal development, energy healing, and sought answers in science, exploring aspects such as diet, fitness, meditation, hypnosis, breathwork, neuroscience, and sound baths until I identified the root - a dysregulated nervous system that was keeping me in a state of panic.  The integration of these tools metamorphosed healing and conceived the full expression of what is now Zentuary.

The Birth of the Zentuary Movement

In addition, it stands as a sanctuary conducive to spiritual development and awareness of the unconscious.

Zentuary Healing Center came to life in 2020.  My vision was to create more than a place, but a community, a movement that gave people permission to feel safe, vulnerable, express themselves and validate their experiences.

Zentuary is on a mission to educate those facing emotional and mental challenges to regulate their nervous system through practices such as hypnotherapy, spinal energetics, bio energy healing, sound therapy, meditation & breathwork so they can transform pain into freedom, challenge into opportunity and heal from the core root.  Zentuary holds space for people to understand that all the answers lie within. In addition, it is a safe haven for spiritual development and becoming conscious of the unconscious.

Always evolving, Zentuary continues to perfect new modalities that contribute to mental, physical and emotional well-being, both individually and collectively.

“The power that made the body, heals the body.” - B.J. Palmer


I dream of a time when meditation is recognized as a vital part of science and healing, as powerful or even more so than pharmaceuticals. That's why Inner Science Research, a non-profit organization based on the work of my mentor and teacher, Dr. Joe Dispenza, is so close to my heart.

At Zentuary, we donate a portion of our monthly sales to help fund research on the biological and physiological effects of meditation on the human body. We believe that meditation has the power to empower people to heal and thrive. Inner Science and Dr. Joe Dispenza's vision is a world where meditation is an integral part of the standard of care for preventing and treating diseases and ailments.

Veruschka del Rio